First Kids
about first kids
We are passionate about partnering with families in raising the next generation to know Christ, grow in faith, and go out into the world as passionate disciples of Jesus. At FBG, your kids will encounter the amazing love of God through age-appropriate songs, dance, games, activities, and lessons that all point them to a life-changing relationship with our Heavenly Father.
All our activities happen in a safe and secure environment, led by our gifted, passionate, and background-checked team of workers and volunteers.
Above all, our goal is to inspire, encourage, and equip you to be the primary spiritual leader in your child's life.

Kids birth-Pre-K will love Sundays in First Kids! After checking into our secure check-in system, kids will dive into a morning of dynamic biblical learning facilitated by a gifted team of background-checked preschool volunteers. You can expect your child to walk away from a Sunday at First having experienced exciting large group worship, foundational Bible lessons, and age appropriate application activities. Above all, we hope Sunday mornings provide a firm foundation for you as a parent to engage in your child’s spiritual development, giving you the resources needed to act as the primary disciple in their lives.
Wednesday Nights consist of age-appropriate games, songs, and activities aimed at facilitating scripture memorization. Understanding that most kids spend the day at preschool or inside the home, our volunteers strive to keep Wednesday evenings as high-energy as possible. This creates an environment where kids can learn, while also giving them an outlet to play and have fun. Each week, lessons are centered on a specific scripture and the memorization of it. It is our hope that parents are drawn into taking an active role in helping their children commit God’s word to memory and hiding it in their hearts forever.
Sunday mornings for kids K-5th grade are a time of exploration. We encourage kids to take the foundational truths they learn in preschool and EXPLORE how all of Scripture points back to Jesus. Our team of volunteers works hard to highlight life-application so kids can begin to claim faith for themselves and make it their own. Throughout the morning, kids will experience Bible teaching, exciting large group worship, thought-provoking small group discussion, and hands-on application. Our goal is to give kids foundational instruction and training in Elementary school so they enter junior high as already passionate disciples of Jesus Christ.
Kids kindergarten-5th participate in C.O.W. (church on Wednesday) on Wednesday nights. C.O.W. is a discipleship program using the Awana curriculum. Our hope is that this deeper exploration results in our kids coming to a greater understanding of scripture and the story of Jesus! Check in begins at 6:30PM downstairs in our Kids Ministry Elementary space. Please make sure kids are accompanied by a parent or adult over the age of 18 during check-in!
Kids Events
Kid's Church
Kid's Church takes place during the 10:50 worship service. Once the worship team has finished, kids will be dismissed from the service to attend Kid's Church. Kid's Church is an age appropriate worship service with activities.
C.O.W. (Church On Wednesday) is a time of growth and discipleship for kids.
Mommy & Me
Join us the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month for a MOPS/MomCo like program for moms with kid ages birth to kinder. We love babies, children, spending time with each one, and learning about Jesus!