go and tell
Throughout the gospels, Jesus called His disciples to "come and see." Each one that did was never the same. Jesus changes everything. He is light in the darkness, peace to the warring, and life proclaimed to the dead. He is the hope of the nations. Those of us who have come and seen will never be the same. And because of everything we have found in Him, we have a mission in our hearts: go and tell.
There are needs in every city, in every state, in every country all throughout the world, and change happens one act of kindness at a time. Below you'll see a list of our missions initiatives sectioned into three focuses: city, state, and world. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and we, His people, are passionate about carrying that good news to anyone who will hear.
"The evangelization of the world waits not on the readiness of God but on the obedience of Christians." - Bill M. Sullivan
for the city
Our first responsibility is right here in Granbury and the surrounding area. Through local missions initiatives at our church and partnerships with local ministries we are committed to reaching the people of our city with the love of Jesus.
Mission Granbury
Joseph's Locker
Women on Mission of FBG
Quilts of Comfort Prayer Quilt Ministry
Be The Church Initiative
for the state
Our next level of missions focus is our own state of Texas. Through church initiatives as well as partnerships with Texas Baptists and other state-wide ministries, we are devoted to helping with disaster relief, border needs, and so much more as we seek to glorify the name of Jesus across the Lone Star State.
Annual Rockport Mission Trip (Hurricane Relief)
Texas Baptist Men
for the world
We believe that if the gospel is for anyone anywhere then it is for everyone everywhere, to the very ends of the earth. We have ongoing international partnerships as well as annual trips that allow us to serve the Lord in three different countries beyond our own. Through generous giving and faith-filled going, we are reaching people across the world with the life-giving message of Jesus.
want to go on mission?
Our members are invited to join us on our upcoming trips.