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what we value

relentless gospel focus

We are a people of the gospel—not a people of traditionalism, fundamentalism, conservatism, liberalism, religiosity, or anything else that would raise a barrier to the cross.


Our commitment: to be nothing less and nothing more than followers of Jesus.

authentic community

Knowing the ultimate expression of togetherness is modeled in God Himself, we believe our lives are meant to be lived in transparent relationship. We find community not in the deception of perfection, but in the uncovered messiness of human lives.


Our commitment: none of us are in this alone.

transformative discipleship

We affirm that the Christian life is about being conformed to the heart of Jesus. Recognizing this, we submit that our lives are under relentless renovation as the Spirit of God transforms us into who we were created to be.


Our commitment: to lay aside all things in pursuit of Jesus.

overflowing generosity

 We will be a people who are willing to leverage everything for the glory of our God. Truly believing that it’s more blessed to give than to receive, we determine to be big-hearted, faith-filled, ready-to-respond, abundance-minded givers for the cause of the gospel.


Our commitment: to reflect the generosity of the Giver of Life.

relational evangelism

We know the gospel is all about relationships. The love of Jesus is best received through those we trust. We determine to be relational, seeing the world through the eyes of the Friend of Sinners.


Our commitment: to build genuine relationships with all people in order to share the good news of the gospel.

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